About IEDP
About IEDP
The IEDP was established in 1999 by the IPSA at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. It is a student initiated, three-credit program that serves as a forum for students to discuss the challenges faced by developing economies. IEDP participants engage in a seven-week course in the winter semester, extensively studying the country of choice, and then take a one-week trip to the country over Spring Break. During the trip, IEDP students conduct extensive interviews and discussions with policymakers, members of civil society, foreign development agencies and university students. So far the IEDP has visited 11 countries, including Ethiopia, Cuba, Morocco, China, Costa Rica, Peru, Jordan, Senegal and the Philippines. The country of study for 2011 is Grenada, the first country from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in the IEDP's history.
Friday, April 1, 2011
IEDP Disaster Management Presentation
It is an interesting project, not only in a sense of placing a part of its final presentation/product on the public domain, but also putting some of relevant information (part of). The Internet is becoming an integral part of education. Instructors use blogs and/or wiki as an information sharing tool among class participants. It becomes a learning experience to get students accustomed with working in the public domain/open source environment.
Best Sweet Potato Pie with Grenadian Nutmeg
From the best recipe source: cook's illustrated!!
Makes one 9-inch pie, serving 8 to 10. Published November 1, 1999.
For a sweet potato pie recipe that would really taste like sweet potato pie, we microwaved and mashed the potatoes, which preserved some bite in their texture. White sugar and a touch of molasses brought us still closer to the pie we were look...(more)
For prebaking the pie shell, we prefer metal or ceramic pie weights because of their heft and ability to conduct heat. Remove the foil lining and weights only after the dough has lost its wet look and has turned straw-colored from its original yellow hue. This will prevent the sides of the pie shell from slipping down and losing their shape. The sweet potatoes cook quickly in the microwave but can also be pricked with a fork and baked uncovered in a 400-degree oven until tender, 40 to 50 minutes. Some tasters preferred a stronger bourbon flavor in the filling, so we give a range below. If you like molasses, use the optional tablespoon; a few tasters felt it deepened the sweet potato flavor. Serve the pie with whipped cream.
INGREDIENTS- You can buy Pie Crusts !!
· Pie Dough-
· 1 1/4cups unbleached all-purpose flour
· 1/2teaspoon table salt
· 1tablespoon granulated sugar
· 4tablespoons unsalted butter , chilled, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
· 3tablespoons vegetable shortening , chilled
· 4 - 5tablespoons ice water
· Sweet Potato Filling
· 2pounds sweet potatoes (about 5 small to medium)- (I baked them)
· 2tablespoons unsalted butter , softened
· 3large eggs
· 2egg yolks
· 1cup granulated sugar
· 1/2teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
· 1/4teaspoon table salt
· 2 - 3tablespoons bourbon
· 1tablespoon molasses (optional)-I did not use
· 1teaspoon vanilla extract
· 2/3cup whole milk
· 1/4cup packed dark brown sugar
1. 1. In food processor bowl fitted with steel blade, pulse flour, salt, and sugar to combine. Scatter butter pieces over flour mixture; cut butter into flour with five 1-second pulses. Add shortening and continue cutting in until flour is pale yellow and resembles coarse cornmeal, with butter bits no larger than small peas, about four more 1-second pulses. Turn mixture into medium bowl.
2. 2. Sprinkle 4 tablespoons ice water over mixture. With rubber spatula, use folding motion to evenly distribute water into flour mixture until small portion of dough holds together when squeezed in palm of hand; add up to 1 tablespoon more ice water if necessary. Turn dough onto clean, dry work surface; gather and gently press together into cohesive ball, then flatten into rough 4-inch disk. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate at least 30 minutes, or up to 2 days, before rolling.
3. 3. Remove dough from refrigerator (if refrigerated longer than 30 minutes, let stand at room temperature until malleable). Roll dough on lightly floured work surface or between two large sheets of plastic wrap to 12-inch disk about 1/8 inch thick. Fold dough in quarters, then place dough point in center of 9-inch pie plate; unfold dough.
4. 4. Working around circumference of pan, ease dough carefully into pan corners by gently lifting dough edges with one hand while pressing around pan bottom with other hand. Trim edge to 1/2 inch beyond pan lip. Tuck rim of dough underneath itself so that folded edges are about 1/4 inch beyond pan lip; flute dough. Refrigerate pie shell for 40 minutes, then freeze for 20 minutes. (This two-step process helps to reduce shrinkage of the crust during baking.)
5. 5. Meanwhile, adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 degrees. Press doubled 18-inch square of heavy-duty foil inside shell and fold back edges of foil to shield fluted edge; evenly distribute about 2 cups metal or ceramic pie weights over foil. Bake, leaving foil and weights in place until dough dries and lightens in color, 17 to 20 minutes. Carefully remove foil and weights by gathering sides of foil and pulling up and out. Bake until light golden brown, about 9 minutes longer. Remove from oven; reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees.
6. 6. Prick sweet potatoes several times with fork and place on double layer of paper towels in microwave (see illustrations below). Cook at full power for 5 minutes; turn each potato over and continue to cook at full power until tender, but not mushy, about 5 minutes longer. Cool 10 minutes. Halve each potato crosswise; insert small spoon between skin and flesh, and scoop flesh into medium bowl; discard skin. (If potatoes are too hot to handle comfortably, fold double layer of paper towels into quarters and use to hold potato half). Repeat with remaining sweet potatoes; you should have about 2 cups. While potatoes are still hot, add butter and mash with fork or wooden spoon; small lumps of potato should remain.
7. 7. Whisk together eggs, yolks, sugar, nutmeg, and salt in medium bowl; stir in bourbon, molasses (if using), and vanilla, then whisk in milk. Gradually add egg mixture to sweet potatoes, whisking gently to combine.
8. 8. Heat partially baked pie shell in oven until warm, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle bottom of pie shell evenly with brown sugar. Pour sweet potato mixture into pie shell over brown sugar layer. Bake until filling is set around edges but center jiggles slightly when shaken, about 45 minutes. Transfer pie to wire rack; cool to room temperature, about 2 hours, and serve.
Preparing the Sweet Potatoes
1. In preparing for microwaving, lay the sweet potatoes out in a fan shape on a double thickness of paper towels.
2. Cut each cooked potato in half crosswise, then scoop out the pulp into a mixing bowl with a small spoon.
3. Mash the cooked potatoes coarsely with a fork or spoon. Some small lumps of potato should remain.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
IEDP Final Presentation
2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami
It was rather a convoluted crisis as the tsunami has disabled emergency generators to cool down the reactors of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant and led to a partial nuclear meltdown, visible explosions, and radiation releases. The Government of Japan and TEPCO are working on the series of accidents in the Plant; the accidents themselves has become an agenda of emergency in the international community. Despite of this element, the earthquake and subsequent tsunami were one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in our history.
News reports initially addressed the patience, endurance, and preparation of residents of the affected areas. Such resilience that Japanese has shown might surprise and strike those who know about the earthquake. Through our trip in Grenada, the Disaster Management group often come across the term, "community resilience." This seems to the foundational concept for its national disaster management for the Government of Grenada (or the National Disaster Management Authority). The strength of community (families, schools, churches, and even social media) complement the government emergency response.
Meanwhile, after two weeks have passed, Japanese media has started to report on uneven distribution of basic supplies across the affected area and the bottleneck of logistics. As land transpirations, the Pacific-round from Tokyo Metropolitan Area, were impacted and there was a difficulty in access from the East Japan Sea bound, it has limited the capability to supply foods, waters, gasoline, and even volunteers. After evacuating their community and settle to an evacuation center, people are getting frustrated and stressed. Especially, those who have limited or no access to these supplies as well as those vulnerable, including aged persons, suffer severely and face the danger of death. The circumstance in Grenada seems to be slight different; as it is a small island, one area can be reached either east or west bound; that is an advantage.
Another takeaway from the earthquake in Japan would be that there is a possibility that each of communities may lose its pivotal center or leadership by a natural disaster. Local government officials, including a city mayor, perished in the earthquake/some of city offices are also totally destroyed. Without a leadership role in community-level response, how remaining members respond to the crisis would be a critical for a successful emergency response. So, how to assure collective actions in a crisis through bottom-up cooperation among community members and leadership development/empowerment would be a key area that the Government needs to tackle continuously.
The most common impression to this earthquake is "this was totally unexpected disaster." Local governments had developed sophisticated disaster-proof infrastructures; the scale and impact of the earthquake and tsunami were totally above the assumption and calculation. Emergency preparedness is based on vulnerability and risk analyses; it would be the process to prepare for what you expect. The most important thing is rather to prepare for what you don't expect to happen. Strong community tie might create secure feeling and enable individuals to act calmly during such a devastating crisis; or, a series of practices help them to do so. I would say such socio-psychological aspects need to be incorporated into emergency preparedness planning, along with emergency response and recovery.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Ready to go...
Friday, March 4, 2011
Internet Changes Everything...
The issue has been the Internet, here. Yes, we have an access. The hotel we stays has a Wi-Fi access; my PC catches the WiFi signal in my room...it cannot establish a connection when I am in that room. The only place I can use the Internet is the lobby (and other restaurant or shopping centers which offer a Free WiFi access).
It looks so strange that one same hotel guest sit in the lobby for a very long time just looking PC screen, not looking at such a beautiful blue sky and lovely wind as well as amazing beach... But, I need to do so to pick up various materials from a cloud storage and doing follow-up studies for preparation.
We have gotten a ton of insights and inspirations (+ motivation) from speakers. They have pursued their mission, struggled with various obstacles, and maintained hope to achieve their mission, as those who work in the US do. It would be an overgeneralization, but some discipline that Ford School taught has some sort of applicability in Grenada. It is important to separate path dependency or cultural/historical context to analyze the issue. In this context, the US (or other industrialized country) is not special as Grenada is not special.
So, that's the same in the US; we cannot do well without the Internet as well.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Final Meeting Before Trip
We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to those who has generously accepted our requests of meetings and helped us to find other officials in Grenada, who would give us very valuable insights for our research.
Thank you very much!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Mid-Term and Spring Break
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Art in Grenada
Yellow Poui Art Gallery (Grenada Explorer Website)
NY-based Grenadian Artist, Eric M John's Website (Grenada Art)
Grenadian Media
Here's a list of links to major media agencies of Grenada.
The Barnacle
Grenada Informer
Grenada Today (not updated since 2008)
Grenada Broadcasting Network
Internet News
Spice Islander
Grenada Broadcast
Grenadian Connection
Cheers to the Internet !!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 7, 1974 - Grenada's Independence Day
This day, February 7, marks the 37th Anniversary of Grenada’s independence from the United Kingdom. Premier, Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, Grenada’s first Prime Minister, led the country into independence. Prior to independence, Grenada became an “Associated State of the United Kingdom” in 1967, which enabled Grenada to be responsible for her own internal affairs, while the UK still remained responsible for Grenada’s defense and foreign affairs.
Every independence day, it is customary for the current Prime Minister and Governor Generals to offer independence messages. Past messages have updated the Grenadian public on increased government social spending, as well as progress related to new policies such as the working Draft of Grenada’s National Strategic Development Plan introduced in 2007 by Prime Minister Keith Mitchell to promote investments in agriculture, health, education, and youth. This year’s independence message by Prime Minister Tillman Thomas focuses on the theme of “Celebrating 37 years through challenging times, with optimism and resilience.” In his message, Prime Minister Thomas calls for Grenadians to unite and tolerate differences among one another in an effort to move forward in the years to come.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bananagrams Tournament - IEDP fundraiser
We'll be holding a Ford School Board Game Tournament on Friday, February 18th at 4pm in the Betty Ford Classroom to fundraise for our IEDP trip to Grenada. We'll be playing Bananagrams tournament-style, but will have a few other board games (Scrabble, Settlers of Catan, etc) on hand for those who just want to come and hang out.
For those of you who haven't played Bananagrams before, it's a hyper version of Scrabble--you compete with other people to see who can arrange words from tiles the quickest. There are more details here (http://www.bananagrams-intl.com/instructions.asp). It's takes no more than a few minutes to learn and is incredibly fun!
The winner will receive a gift certificate--I'll email out details on the gift certificate soon.
We're asking for a minimum of a $5 donation to enter (and if you want to give more, that'd be fantastic).
The tournament is open to everyone--students, staff, faculty, friends, significant others, precocious children, etc--so pass the word along!
If you're interested, please sign up here: http://bit.ly/gdpJCP
Kate Saetang
This American Life - Students Decide whether to Invade Grenada
A class of elementary school students visits the Reagan Presidential Library and is part of a simulation deciding whether or not the US should invade Grenada. (... guaranteed to incite ironic chuckles)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Houses of Parliament in Grenada
- Seven are appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister;
- Three are appointed on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition; and
- Three are appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister after he has consulted the organizations or interests which he considers the Senators should be selected to represent.
- To act as a House of review with responsibility for expressing second opinion in relation to legislative and other proposals initiated in the House of Representatives;
- To ensure proper consideration of all legislation;
- To provide adequate scrutiny of financial measures;
- To initiate non-financial legislation as the Senate sees fit: the Senate’s capacity to initiate proposed legislation effectively means that Parliament is not confined in its opportunities for considering public issues in a legislative context to those matters covered by bills brought forward by the executive;
- To probe and check the administration of laws and to keep itself informed and to insist on ministerial accountability for the administration of the Government;
- To provide effective scrutiny of Government and enable adequate expression of debate about policy and government programmes. As a parliamentary forum, the Senate is one place where a Government can be, of right, questioned and obliged to answer.
The House of Representatives was modelled on the British, and even now, in any matter of procedure not provided for by its own rules and practices, the rules and practices of the British House of Commons are followed.
The House of Representatives is the focal point of parliamentary activity and public attention, the grand forum of the nation, where major national and international issues are debated; where the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition may be seen in regular confrontation; where Cabinet Ministers defend the policies and conduct of their departments; where the nation’s business in freely and openly transacted, all that is said and done being faithfully recorded.
Parliament makes the laws and the House of Representatives plays the predominant part in making them. Any member can introduce bills, except bills involving expenditure or taxation, which can only be introduced by the government. Since the responsibilities of government now extend into almost every sphere of activity, and since most government action involves spending money (and raising it by taxes, fees, loans, and so forth), most of the time of the House is spent on Government Bills.
Every bill must pass both Houses and receive the Royal Assent before it becomes law. Assent is signified by the Governor General.
By law a general election must be held at least once every five years. However, Parliament may be dissolved and an election called before the statutory period has elapsed, and this is what normally happens. The power to dissolve Parliament is a royal prerogative exercised by the Governor General, normally on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Fatman George - Skin Up (Grenada soca 2010)
This is the SKINUP that Tova mentioned in today's class. However, I don't have any clue what this song is singing about.
Rum Shop Culture
Nearly every village on the island has at least one rum shop on the street corner where the locals go to gossip, play pool or darts, and discuss politics--politricks according to Bajans. The rum shop was (and still is) a central institution in village life. "The Rum Shop served as a meeting point for society's more colorful members. [It] is often seen as a common ground, where people form [sic] all walks of life could meet and feel the pulse of society, exchange ideas and refresh themselves" (www.tidco.co.tt/local/THF-1996/rumshop/). I was told once: "If you want to experience real Bajan culture, visit the rum shops and talk."
From: http://www.courses.vcu.edu/ENG-snh/Caribbean/Barbados/Images/rumshop.htm
Monday, January 17, 2011
Exploring the Sounds of Grenada

Movie: Island in the Sun
The movie, Island in the Sun, was filmed in Grenada in 1956, helping promote Grenada as a tourist destination. The movie is based on the novel by Alec Waugh, and stars an ensemble cast including James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Dorothy Dandridge, Joan Collins.
Plot summary for Island in the Sun:
Set on a fictitious island in the Carribean during colonial British rule. It focuses on the life of a young charismatic and handsome black male with political aspirations. He finds himself confused on returning home when his romantic liaison with a white female tends to conflict with his political views. As rumor has it an interracial screen kiss caused quite a commotion in the U.S. when the film was released. The plot is further strengthened by a look at the lives of a white ex-pat family also living on the island. The family has to deal with problems of infidelity, racism and murder. Written by Warren D. Mottley <trident@toj.com>